Monday, January 23, 2012

summer sleeping porch...

the old-lady house has a summer sleeping porch. 
this spot was well thought out.  it's very high up
to grab even the faintest whisper of a breeze.  
it faces east; brilliant bright in the mornings, 
aptly ducking out of the searing western summer sun.
it has more window than walls, superb for lying on the
floor and feeling perched in a tree.  i recently
emptied the room, painted it white,(truthfully, 
i painted it a burnt orange..blech ,
 then dark red..eww, before realizing white was ideal)
found a plush wool rug, and a bean bag. for 11 months i sat
in this room as my favorite nursing spot with roxie. 
i've watched spring buds
slowly emerge from the walnut tree that shouldn't 
be thriving here, and pretty snowflakes fall slow-motion
past the window-walls.
i've decided i like it most spare. i'm on a search for
a low, round, wood table and that's going to be that.
a spot for my beer. a spot for my butt.
that's that.
my meditation spot. 


  1. that does look like an amazing place to just sit and be (and i think white was the right choice).

  2. My favorite room in your house, and I love your whole house.

  3. Wow, we just redecorated a room in our house that looks just like this one (there's a post about it in my blog in case you didn't happen to see it yet)! And we even have a bean bag in there! So I know exactly how it feels to just sit there and relax, clear your mind of _everything_ and just look out the windows. It really is the perfect place, I'm glad you have one, too! ;)

  4. anna, i DID see your post and thought the same thing! except your view has A LOT more snow. i put bird feeders on pulley systems so i can raise the bird feeders up to the second story and see them. my husband thinks i'm funny/crazy.
