Tuesday, January 3, 2012

indian blessing birthday...

two beautiful things collided last week:
roxie's birthday and three straight days of spring-
like weather.
spending that time indoors would have been
criminal so we loaded up the camper (the nights
were cold and we were thankful to have heat) and
went to mother neff, texas' very first state park.

maybe you know this already, but if you visit a sacred
place on your actual birthday there is a very good
chance you will leave with a blessing.
this cave still has blackened ceilings from  
tonkawa fires hundreds and hundreds of years ago. 
the morning of roxie's birthday we packed a lunch and 
hiked to the cave. she found a necklace made
from seeds and leather in a small woven basket.
the birthday blessing legend is clearly real(wink).

a chilly first night called for supper in the camper. 


sweet joe, taking in the sun and quiet.


  1. The weather and the park both look beautiful. I am glad that Roxie had a blessed birthday!

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate such a special little girl. I love that Roxie!
