Saturday, December 29, 2012

celebrating a treasure...

today she is five.
every day she brightens my life.
she greets each day with excitement and joy.
she refuses to eat a sandwich without dismantling
it first.
she skips rather than walks.
she always has pockets full of acorns and glass. 
she slept in a santa hat for an entire year.
she kicks my seat in the car relentlessly.
her face is the first thing i see each morning.
and i wouldn't change one. single. thing. 
about her.
happy birthday to our treasure.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gladys Kravitz would be proud.

i've been so neglectful. not to all things.
but to the greater world of binary communication like 
blogging, yes.
instagram is my quick fix.
seeing images of other peoples' lives is a really
seductive thing for me. it's like pre-meditated voyeurism.  
sanctioned sneak-a-peaks. romanced reality.

here's mine.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

most humble student...

"If you don't push yourself to failure,
you don't know how far you can go." dean karnazes

watching these two and thinking that if i 
could just try for a few moments each day to 
live without fear of failure; my life would be a 
whole lot closer to the way i imagine it could be.
nearly everything i would like to change is only 
held back by me.  fear, worry, self-consciousness,
ego, judgement.  
i was just thinking 'tomorrow is another day',
but that's not the best way at all.
that's how i shoot myself in the foot.
i need a rubber band on my wrist to pop myself 
every time i think about starting fresh tomorrow and
 remember to relish this moment, it's my life.
it's trigger's stick.
marvin's nap.

my guru's:
(now, if i can just quit being a putz and practice what they preach) 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

camper envy...

take a look at this camper.  it's a 1953
royal spartanette. the kitchen, the green
booth, the stove, the nightstands in the bedroom,
all of the WOOD! all yours for just under $20,000.
i'm pretty sure my silly cars couldn't get 
two blocks with this attached. i would
find a nice spot by a river and stay a while.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

flag pole repair...

see the small ball at the top of the pole?
it's a toilet float.  and it's spray-painted gold.
and it's crooked. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

be the heat....

we've finally reached the part of texas' summer
where outdoor productivity is cautiously arranged
around the earth's spin and the sun's grin.
a predilection for daybreak and dusk 
shows a sound mind. 
when the sun's at her zenith, i usually try to 
find 'really important' things to get done indoors...

my dad picked wild mustang grapes out by the brazos river and my 
mom and i spent much of the heat of the day making
into some of the best jelly ever. mustang grape
jelly is my favorite and does a bang-up job 
of staining anything and everything. 

near dusk we walked the lake. suddenly, my mom started
yelling, 'hurry!  run!  come here!' and was 
gesturing to a clump of trees and scrub brush.
she was in full scout stance....ready to flee
or nab whatever she was yelling about.
we all high-tailed it over rocks and cactus to 
where she was.  she was yelling, 'there's something,
something in here!'  then we heard this sound that
i couldn't place and my dad came lurking out from the 
bushes with a coyote call.
she called him an asshole and walked off while
he grinned. they're the best.

smelly, dirty buddies.

hunter/gatherer bouquet...

Friday, July 13, 2012

roof life...

Monday, June 18, 2012

and later we....

pickin' peas...

i realize i've harped on the blazing hell
of a summer we had last year plenty. 
no amount of moaning and lamentation could 
paint a picture of the brown and scorched sadness
of it.  therefore, i will focus on the beauty of the
summer we've been nuzzling necks
with this year.

if, in my next life, i'm a black eyed pea sprout,
i want a summer just like this one.  
i choose soil just as perfectly sandy
as this spot here. 
kindly mr. vegetable farmer down the highway
plants peas every spring to turn under come fall
to liven up his soil.
he always lets us come pick pick pick.  
then we shuck shuck shuck.
this trip, a bushel and a half. 
i'll blanch them, freeze them, and cook them 
just the way we like them. with cornbread. 
all winter long.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


pitter pat.  my heart.  abiquiu.